Apply for a PAFCU loan

* Required Fields

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Interested in an Auto Loan?

Social Security Number:

Date of Birth:
 /   / 


Date Hired:
 /   / 

Notice: Alimony, child support or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not choose to have it considered.

Other Source of Income:

Do you:

Previous Employment (if less than 2 years with current employer)
Date Hired:
 /   / 
Date Left:
 /   / 

References - Please include Street, City, State and Zip

Please fill out this section if there is a Co-Borrower.
Social Security Number:

Date of Birth:
 /   / 


Date Hired:
 /   / 

Notice: Alimony, child support or separate maintenance income need not be revealed if you do not choose to have it considered.


Ohter Source of Income:

Do you:



I certify that the information that I provide in this credit application is for the purpose of obtaining credit and the statements made herein are true and accurate. I hereby authorize Polish-American Federal Credit Union to check my credit and employment history. I hereby acknowledge that Polish-American Federal Credit Union may report information about my account to credit bureaus. Late payments, missed payments, or other defaults on my account may be reflected in this credit report. If this application is for a purchase, I authorize Polish-American Federal Credit Union to pay the proceeds of the loan directly to the seller.

Security Code:

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